K-12 Alliance Teaching Learning Collaborative: Nuts and Bolts of a Lesson Study
San Diego Unified School District is one of eight districts and two charter management organizations across California participating in the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative. One of the essential components of our work as part of the…
NGSS - Early Attempts and Later Reflections from an Early Implementer Teacher
All of these thoughts and more swam through my head over three years ago when I began my journey into NGSS.
So Many Questions
Whenever I think about teaching science in my second-grade classroom, I think about how curious my students are.
Tools for Creating NGSS Standards Based Lessons
Think back on your own experiences with learning science in school. Were you required to memorize disjointed facts without understanding the concepts?
Supporting and Enhancing NGSS Implementation: A Tale of Two Principals’ Efforts
Two principals. Two schools. One district. One challenge: What does a principal do to support teachers as they implement student-centered, phenomena-focused, inquiry-based science instruction based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for…
Shift Happens: Finding What Matters As a New Leader
For those of us who have found ourselves in a position where we recently left the classroom and are now leading the NGSS charge for our districts, it can be challenging finding one’s place.
Learning Across the Village: Planning K-12 Projects
It certainly takes a village to ensure that our students are learning about content that matters to them.
Finding My Student’s Motivation of Learning Through Engineering Tasks
It’s 8:02 and the bell rings. My students’ walk in and pick up an entry ticket based on yesterday’s lesson and homework.
Using Online Simulations to Support the NGSS in Middle School Classrooms
Middle school teachers in Kings Canyon Unified School District (KCUSD), a CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative district, have been diligently working on transitioning to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) integrated model for middle…