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Legislative Update

Keeping You Informed: Assembly Bill 2640 (Dissection)

Keeping You Informed: Assembly Bill 2640 (Dissection)

In the March Edition of California Classroom Science, CASE published seven articles giving different perspectives on the topic of dissection. There was also a survey in which we asked readers to share their perspectives. Most respondents to the…
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Science Education Post-Election Update

Science Education Post-Election Update

With the 2020 Election now behind us, there is more certainty around the direction of policy and legislative developments going forward, but there continues to remain a great deal of uncertainties too. This dichotomy seems to be endemic of the year…
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Legislative Update – AB 1586

Legislative Update – AB 1586

On May 1, 2019, the Assembly Education Committee heard AB 1586 (Kalra). The bill sought to ban all animal dissections in California, K-12, public and private classrooms and replace dissection with alternatives to dissection.
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