CSTA Classroom Science

Nominate a Science Educator

CSTA Awards Program - 2020

CSTA believes that the importance of science education cannot be overstated. Given the essential presence of the sciences in understanding the past and planning for the future, science education remains and will increasingly be one of the most important disciplines in education. CSTA is committed to recognizing and encouraging excellence in science teaching through the presentation of awards to science educators who have made outstanding contributions in science education in the state and who are poised to continue the momentum of providing high quality, relevant science education into the future.

  • Administrator Leadership Award
  • Jessica Sawko Teacher Leadership Award
  • Margaret Nicholson Distinguished Service Award
  • CSTA Future Science Teacher Award
  • CSTA Distinguished Contributions Award

The following Awards below are nominated and bestowed by the Board of Directors

  • Christine Bertrand Advocacy Award
  • Legislator of the Year Award
  • Honorary Memberships

For detailed information regarding each type of award, visit the CSTA Awards Program webpage.



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