CSTA Classroom Science Banner


Start Big!

Oh to be a first-year teacher again! I had just spent four (ok five) years getting a degree in Biology and I was pretty sure I could teach everything I knew in one year of high school Biology.
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Integrating Science & ELA: Discoveries from the Early Implementer Evaluators

A second-grade classroom is “a-buzz” with students drawing designs and researching pollinators.
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NGSS and the Teaching Learning Collaborative: It’s About the Process

The CA Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS) require significant instructional and conceptual shifts in terms of how science instruction is planned, delivered, and assessed (NGSS Lead States, 2013). With several California Math Science…
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The Teaching and Learning Collaborative, Reflections from an Administrator

I see my role as an assistant principal being an educational leader charged with supporting and leading students, staff, and community into the future based on our school community’s shared values, beliefs, and principles; these guide decisions for…
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K-12 Alliance Teaching Learning Collaborative: Nuts and Bolts of a Lesson Study

San Diego Unified School District is one of eight districts and two charter management organizations across California participating in the CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative. One of the essential components of our work as part of the…
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Priority Features of NGSS-Aligned Instructional Materials

Recommendations for Publishers, Reviewers, and Educators. The California Science Teachers Association and the science teachers associations of three other Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) west-coast states, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington,…
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NGSS - Early Attempts and Later Reflections from an Early Implementer Teacher

All of these thoughts and more swam through my head over three years ago when I began my journey into NGSS.
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So Many Questions

Whenever I think about teaching science in my second-grade classroom, I think about how curious my students are.
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If You Are Not Teaching Science Then You Are Not Teaching Common Core

Anyone concerned with the teaching of science in elementary school is keenly aware of the problem of time.
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Tools for Creating NGSS Standards Based Lessons

Think back on your own experiences with learning science in school. Were you required to memorize disjointed facts without understanding the concepts?
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