Introducing Middle School Students to the Crosscutting Concepts
The crosscutting concepts are one of the three pillars upon which the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are built. The other two are the Science and Engineering Practices and the Disciplinary Core Ideas.
NGSS: A Case for Special Education Inclusion
The NSTA Press publication, NGSS for All Students: O.Lee, E. Miller, R Januszyk (Eds.) highlights the importance of providing high-quality science education for all, including students with disabilities.
Strong Leadership Is Collaboration
This is no ordinary President’s message. This June/July issue is special because it marks a clear line in the sand at CSTA – we shift the Presidency. On June 30, 2019, Jill’s presidency ends and on July 1, 2019, Shawna’s begins. In a figurative and…
Legislative Update – AB 1586
On May 1, 2019, the Assembly Education Committee heard AB 1586 (Kalra). The bill sought to ban all animal dissections in California, K-12, public and private classrooms and replace dissection with alternatives to dissection.
All Means ALL
My colleagues and I have been working with a lot of teachers who are in the early stages of NGSS implementation. Once instruction begins to shift, there are some fascinating student reactions. Students typically become highly engaged very quickly and…
Making Time for Science: All Science Wednesdays
Science Wednesdays started because I felt like I never had enough time to get to science. I am a third-grade teacher and, while I aim to teach all content areas, it seemed like science was put on the back burner for so long that it rarely was given…
NGSS Curriculum in SFUSD - Lessons Learned
Over the past four years, I’ve been working to create and implement an NGSS curriculum for 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade.
Approaches to Argumentation in Science
Early in the twentieth century before the dawn of the modern synthesis, there were two camps in the science of inheritance; the Mendelian camp claimed ancestral heredity occurred through discontinuous change, and the Darwinian camp claimed that…
Re-Novicing of Science Teachers and the Science Coach
Over the past several months I’ve presented on and heard from others on how the implementation of the NGSS is going both within California and nationally. In the process, I’ve taken away some learnings that I thought I’d share.