As I write this, CSTA’s 2018 California Science Education Conference has just come to a close. More than 3,000 educators joined together as a community in Pasadena, CA. I am always humbled to see the grand effort it takes to make this happen.
The San Diego Urban Ant Project: Engaging Students in Scientific Practices Through Authentic Collaboration
One fall morning, following a rare rainstorm, second-grade students arrived at their classroom and shrieked in excitement.
Bringing California’s Marine Protected Areas to Your Students
California is at the forefront of coastal protection, and many actions being taken to preserve our coast align with standards already taught in the classroom.
Tracy’s NGSS Implementation Journey: Lessons to Share
Tracy Unified School District (TUSD) became a part of the K-12 Alliance’s @WestEd CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (EII) in 2014-15.
Science Fair and NGSS: An Updated Approach
During the early years of the Industrial Revolution, the American Institute’s Children’s Fair was held in New York City.