Region 1 Update
It does not seem that long ago that the bell rang to conclude the last day of school; but, here we are, getting ready to start another school year. For many of us, summer included taking a well-deserved vacation or maybe, it was catching up on all…
Changing “Needs” to “Gots”
“I need time to plan with my team.” “I need to explore the standards more.” “I need help developing lessons.” “ I need to know how to appropriately assess student learning.”
SpaceCV and the Quest Institute: Pioneering STEM and ISS Education Through NGSS
Space, the next frontier. Today’s students will be tomorrow’s scientists, astronauts, and inventors. How can we as educators teach and inspire students for careers that are not yet created? We have the power to inspire students to look beyond Earth…
Let the Quarter of Transitions Begin
Every year, July is the beginning of a transition period within CSTA. This year, the transition is a bit more personal for me. Not only has our organization started searching for a new Executive Director, but on July 1st, I dropped the “elect” from…
Introducing Middle School Students to the Crosscutting Concepts
The crosscutting concepts are one of the three pillars upon which the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are built. The other two are the Science and Engineering Practices and the Disciplinary Core Ideas.