Early-learning STEAM resource PebbleGo Science, no cost for California schools
By Mary Beth Barber, COMPASS, California State Library
There was a chorus of oohs and aahs from the audience as the short video of a single-celled organism moved on the screen, flagella waving. The group had just learned the basics about cells through a text-and-voice article from PebbleGo Science, and now were able to see single-cell organisms in action.
The scenario was not of kindergarten students, but early elementary teachers at an educational conference. They were there to learn about online school-library resources -- over 20 from five different providers -- they can use in classrooms throughout California for free. PebbleGo Science is one of the two dozen that are paid for at the state level through the COMPASS program from the California State Library.
COMPASS stands for the California Online Media Program for Access and Student Success. The State Library partners with the Riverside County Office of Education for these online school-library resources for all California, so no individual school has to worry about the cost. The funding is ongoing, so absent a major state budgetary crisis, schools can rely on access to COMPASS resources.
For our youngest students, PebbleGo Science can be the first stop for STEAM learning. Educational publisher Capstone created the platform for students who are learning to read but aren’t quite there yet -- typically grades 2 and below. These STEAM resources are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards and include various science subjects, as well as technology, engineering, math, and even visual arts concepts.
Each individual topic – say, “tornados” in the earth and space science section under Extreme Weather – has a five-section explanatory article to “chunk” the information. It also has an audio play feature with a real-human voice, so the students can read while hearing the words out loud. If the students feel more confident in Spanish, no problem! Simply switch the text and audio to Spanish (also a real human voice) at the click of a button.
Even better yet, each article comes with a video, a citation creator, and a multi-page activity that includes teacher instructions and “Questions for Understanding” and “Share What You Know” printable pages.
To help show CASE members about PebbleGo Science, COMPASS program manager Mary Beth made a short video recording in early December 2024 to complement this article.
There are approximately 300 individual topics and interactive articles within the PebbleGo Science resource, with more added constantly. Newer additions include electric vehicles, vertical farming, solar power, and accessible playgrounds, for example. There are also a hundred eBooks on science subjects, with 50 in English and 50 in Spanish. While the resource is promoted for up to second grade because of the audio-while-reading feature, the content itself can be used by older grades as well.
PebbleGo Science can be used in the classroom as a group, independent work by individual students, and off campus with families. Check with your district’s educational technology department to see if they are set up for all the resources yet. Or teachers and principals can request schoolwide shared credentials directly from Capstone through the California support page.
About the Author
Mary Beth Barber is the COMPASS program manager at the California State Library. Contact her and her colleague Megan Segle at compass@library.ca.gov with questions or visit their website.