The Crazy Initiative that Could
The K-12 Alliance is well known for a lot of crazy things. We are a group made up of believers, dreamers, and doers. When we gather together enmasse, our openers send the faint of heart into the hallways and our skit nights are so legendary, we…
Transforming the Classroom with OpenSciEd
How often have you heard the following questions from your students: Why do I need to know this? Is this going to be on the test? Why does this matter? I, like you, have heard these questions repeated like a broken record over the years of being a…
Going Slow to Go Fast: Building Systemic Leadership Capacity Pays Off
Someone is sitting in the shade today, because someone planted a tree a long time ago. This quote attributed to investment guru Warren Buffet serves to illustrate the importance of playing the long game through purposeful planning. While not a…
Getting Good at Getting Better
As schools attempt to improve their practice in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Vista Unified School District has engaged in NGSS site walkthroughs using a classroom observation tool developed with the K-12 Alliance as a part of the CA…
Making Time for Science: All Science Wednesdays
Science Wednesdays started because I felt like I never had enough time to get to science. I am a third-grade teacher and, while I aim to teach all content areas, it seemed like science was put on the back burner for so long that it rarely was given…
The San Diego Urban Ant Project: Engaging Students in Scientific Practices Through Authentic Collaboration
One fall morning, following a rare rainstorm, second-grade students arrived at their classroom and shrieked in excitement.
Bringing California’s Marine Protected Areas to Your Students
California is at the forefront of coastal protection, and many actions being taken to preserve our coast align with standards already taught in the classroom.
Tracy’s NGSS Implementation Journey: Lessons to Share
Tracy Unified School District (TUSD) became a part of the K-12 Alliance’s @WestEd CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative (EII) in 2014-15.
Science Fair and NGSS: An Updated Approach
During the early years of the Industrial Revolution, the American Institute’s Children’s Fair was held in New York City.
Crosscutting Concepts: Outcomes From Action Research
Crosscutting concepts are the lens through which students can find connections across content.