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Mentoring Practices for Working with Beginning Teachers

Mentoring Practices for Working with Beginning Teachers

The time for new school supplies and fresh starts is here! When I was in the classroom I always loved the beginning of the school year, even though it marked the end of summer. Now, I’m working with pre-service science teachers and inevitably I’ll…
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Balancing Professional Learning and Planning Time for Science Teachers

Balancing Professional Learning and Planning Time for Science Teachers

How often have you heard (or said) “Why doesn’t the District just give us planning time!” In the quest to provide high-quality education, science teachers face the dual challenge of needing time to collaborate and plan with their peers while also…
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The Conference is About Community!

The Conference is About Community!

The 2024 California Science Education Conference in Sacramento is right around the corner, November 8-10. Of course, the meat and potatoes of the conference are the workshops and short courses and the exhibit hall, where we science educators share…
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