CSTA Classroom Science Banner


Opportunity for Successful Science Implementation in a Post-Pandemic Climate

Opportunity for Successful Science Implementation in a Post-Pandemic Climate

The following excerpt below and accompanying PDF is provided by the Networked Improvement Community Region 10 (Geographic area in California that includes Inyo, Mono, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties).
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Learner-centered Classrooms: Getting Students Involved in Assessment

Learner-centered Classrooms: Getting Students Involved in Assessment

Do you remember cramming for exams as a student? I rarely took part in cramming sessions but I remember these were the norm amongst my fellow high school and college students.
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Keeping High Standards Without Standards: An Interview with Ryan Gallagher, Director of Continuous Improvement, High Tech Schools

Keeping High Standards Without Standards: An Interview with Ryan Gallagher, Director of Continuous Improvement, High Tech Schools

This article seems more relevant now than when I wrote it a month ago.
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NGSS: A Case for Special Education Inclusion

The NSTA Press publication, NGSS for All Students: O.Lee, E. Miller, R Januszyk (Eds.) highlights the importance of providing high-quality science education for all, including students with disabilities.
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