Informally Yours
Congratulations!! You made it to summer vacation…one more deserved and needed than any other. The last few months have been challenging to say the least. When I was first given the go ahead to work from home, I was ecstatic. I won’t lie and say there…
Eavesdropping on Conversations: the Bright Side to Instructional Materials Review
Over the last six months, I have had the privilege of spearheading the K-12 science adoption in my district. For many people in charge of this process, the word privilege might seem a little too rose-colored glasses; however, the process has been…
Let the Quarter of Transitions Begin
Every year, July is the beginning of a transition period within CSTA. This year, the transition is a bit more personal for me. Not only has our organization started searching for a new Executive Director, but on July 1st, I dropped the “elect” from…