NGSS: Making Your Life Easier
NGSS is a big shift. Teachers need to learn new content, figure out how this whole engineering thing relates to science, and develop new unit and lesson plans.
SciEd Side Bar: Let Them Figure It Out!
There is a vast body of research that supports the notion that for students to develop deep conceptual understanding, we must put students in the driver seat of thinking.
Sensemaking Notebooks: Making Thinking Visible for Both Students and Teachers!
"Students can’t yet write independently without basic sentence frames. Their thoughts are usually bigger than what they can put on paper." - Kindergarten Teacher
New Resource: Second Release of NGSS Example Bundles
The Example Bundles (formerly known as the Model Content Frameworks for Science) will show samples of ways to bundle the NGSS within a school year.
Cross Cutting to the Concepts (Or How My Own Use and Understanding of CCC’s Evolved)
Many of you have jumped into turning at least some of your lessons into NGSS three-dimensional (3D) lessons, or you may be using an NGSS lesson/unit from a training or workshop.
Taking It to the Field—Where Students Become the Experts
Most teachers would agree that field experiences are invaluable teaching tools.
San Diego Early Implementers Take the Lead in Strengthening Support for Science in Their District LCAP
For the past couple weeks, the *Core Leadership Team and Teacher Leaders of the CA NGSS (K-8) Early Implementation Initiative in San Diego have rallied together to positively impact San Diego Unified School District’s Local Control Accountability…
Hands-On Performance Assessment – An Effective Formative Assessment Strategy
Are you looking for ways to assess 3D learning? Tools that assess the NGSS practices? Have you considered hands-on performance assessment? Do you know that California once implemented hands-on tasks in statewide testing?
Practical Tools to Begin Implementing the NGSS in a First Grade Classroom
Across the state, during the summer of 2016, hundreds of teachers of NGSS “Early Implementers” schools participated in professional development institutes designed to help teachers better understand NGSS and science pedagogy.