The NGSS Crosscutting Concepts Make Science Learning 3D!
The idea that structure relates to function is pretty abstract for 1st graders.
Planning Professional Learning Using the NGSS Implementation Pathway Model
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) have the ability to transform teaching and learning in the classroom. They will dramatically change how students experience science by shifting the focus from the memorization of facts to greater student…
Check an Apple for Pollination
Review pollination with the students. Pollination is the process whereby pollen fertilizes the female part of a flower. Seeds are the result of successful pollination.
A Little Humor with the Periodic Table for the Holidays!
Many of you who teach the “Periodic Table” may have discovered that it can be very difficult to engage your younger students in understanding this rather intimidating chart. Especially for those 3rd and 5th-grade teachers where some sort of periodic…