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Quality Examples of NGSS Science Lessons and Units

In an effort to identify and shine a spotlight on emerging examples of high-quality lessons and units designed for the NGSS, Achieve launched the EQuIP Peer Review Panel for Science (PRP). The PRP uses the EQuIP Rubric for Science (Version 3.0) and the associated quality review process to evaluate the instructional materials.

The objective is not to endorse a particular curriculum, product or template, rather to identify lessons and units that best illustrate the cognitive demands of the NGSS. Below is the list of instructional materials that have been submitted to the EQuIP Peer Review Panel and evaluated as Examples of High-Quality NGSS Design, Examples of High-Quality NGSS Design if Improved, or Quality Works in Progress.

Each lesson or unit is available to download and use in classrooms. In addition to accessing a version of the materials as they were reviewed, there is a copy of the quality review feedback from the EQuIP Peer Review Panel. Please review the feedback to gain a sense of the materials’ purpose, strengths, and areas that would benefit from revisions.

