Follow the planets, April through July 2020
In the evening sky, Venus shines at peak brilliance in April, while setting in a dark sky more than three hours after sunset. In May, Venus drops dramatically, disappearing into bright twilight before month’s end. On its way down, Venus on May 21 has…
Hear Their Brilliance: Reflections from Region 4 - San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE)
Talk provides context and opportunity for knowledge building. Talk helps students develop critical thinking skills.
CSTA Outdoor & Environmental Literacy Webinar Series
CSTA is thrilled to introduce a new webinar series: Outdoor & Environmental Literacy Learning. The over-arching goals of the webinar series is to: Make the Case for Environmental Literacy, Resolve Perceived Obstacles and Support Teachers as they…
Nominate a Science Educator
CSTA is committed to recognizing and encouraging excellence in science teaching through the presentation of awards to science educators who have made outstanding contributions in science education in the state and who are poised to continue the…
CSTA Approved NEW Position Statement
“Developmental researchers have shown that young children understand a great deal about basic principles of biology and physical causality, about number, narrative, and personal intent, and that these capabilities make it possible to create…
Region 1 Update (Apr/May 2020)
Lots of events are scheduled to take place in Region 1 as we start to wrap the school year up; however, with the current efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, some events may be cancelled or postponed.
CSTA Region 2 Events for April 2020
With the current efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, some events may be cancelled or postponed. Please direct any questions about the status of the events to the hosts/event contacts.
Our Beloved Tree Garden
This year, in support by a grant from the Roots and Shoots Foundation by Jane Goodall, I was able to have three trees planted at my school.
Women in STEM- How can we help increase the numbers?
The past three years I have been busy working on my doctorate in Educational Leadership with a concentration in STEM Leadership.
Going Slow to Go Fast: Building Systemic Leadership Capacity Pays Off
Someone is sitting in the shade today, because someone planted a tree a long time ago. This quote attributed to investment guru Warren Buffet serves to illustrate the importance of playing the long game through purposeful planning. While not a…