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Sweet Science: Exploring Complex Mixtures with Biotechnology

Sweet Science: Exploring Complex Mixtures with Biotechnology

Our CASE 2023 workshop focused on the analysis of food dyes using paper chromatography and agarose gel electrophoresis (slides and full video tutorial available). In this article, we expand on the chromatography component and provide additional…
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Coherent and Student Centered Science Assessment Systems

Coherent and Student Centered Science Assessment Systems

When someone tells you to think about assessment, what pops into your head? After spending the last year talking about NGSS assessment with thoughtful science educators from across California, I think of this depiction of a Coherent Assessment System…
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Transforming the Classroom with OpenSciEd

Transforming the Classroom with OpenSciEd

How often have you heard the following questions from your students: Why do I need to know this? Is this going to be on the test? Why does this matter? I, like you, have heard these questions repeated like a broken record over the years of being a…
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Making Choices and Making Messes: What student agency looks like in science classrooms

Making Choices and Making Messes: What student agency looks like in science classrooms

The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) encourage students to not just “know about science,” but to actively engage in “doing science.” Rather than carrying out pre-designed investigations, students should have “epistemic agency,” or ownership…
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Science Adoption is Here!

Science Adoption is Here!

Curriculum adoption is upon us! It is an exciting time to finally be getting a curriculum for science, but also a daunting task. Teachers know that curriculum comes and goes, but for the several years we have one, we have to make sure it's a good…
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Tosa Talk

Tosa Talk

I have been the Elementary Science Teacher On Special Assignment (TOSA) for the last three years at Palm Springs Unified School District and sometimes get asked, “What exactly do you do?”
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Environmental Literacy May Be the Answer

Environmental Literacy May Be the Answer

Across the state at science education events, environmental literacy is increasingly in the spotlight. At the opening of the CSTA conference, after the Climate Summit, high school teachers were so eager to get more resources that some sessions were…
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Applying NGSS Practices and Crosscutting Concepts to Student-Developed Health Education Projects in High School

Applying NGSS Practices and Crosscutting Concepts to Student-Developed Health Education Projects in High School

As a Health science teacher at Eagle Rock High School in Los Angeles Unified School District, I saw that as my students learned Health content there was an opportunity for them to simultaneously make sense of and apply some NGSS Practices and…
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Getting Good at Getting Better

Getting Good at Getting Better

As schools attempt to improve their practice in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Vista Unified School District has engaged in NGSS site walkthroughs using a classroom observation tool developed with the K-12 Alliance as a part of the CA…
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How I Teach Science in Three 25 Minute Sessions

How I Teach Science in Three 25 Minute Sessions

I have a passion for science. However, even with my dedication to my favorite subject, I find it difficult to find the time to teach science at the elementary level with a mountain of subjects piled on my desk.
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