Embracing the Environmental Principles and Concepts
The CASE Environmental Literacy Committee empowers educators to foster environmental literacy through workshops, tools like iNaturalist, and California’s Environmental Principles and Concepts (EP&Cs). Join their online EP&C workshop on April 2,…
JEDI-ing Your Science Classroom
Discover how to embed Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) in your science classroom. Explore strategies from the CASE DEI Committee to foster belonging and empower every student to thrive.
The Spectrum of “Our Why?” behind CASE and DEI
The article reflects on the diverse motivations of science educators and the benefits of professional engagement through CASE It highlights educators' passion for teaching science, their commitment to equitable education, and the value of…
Using High Interest Books to Teach Environmental Science Concepts
At a recent meeting of CASE’s Environmental Literacy Committee, we were discussing the power of using engaging reading books as a way to introduce, explore, and teach environmental literacy. We discussed several books that we have successfully used…
Making a CASE for Environmental Literacy
The CASE Environmental Literacy Committee sponsored a workshop Connect and Engage with your Environmental Education Community at the CASE conference held in Palm Springs in October. A diverse group of educators covering a geographic range from…
Mentorship Is All Around Us
While at the annual California Science Education Conference in Palm Springs I listened to amazing keynote speakers, participated in hands-on workshops, shopped in the exhibit hall, and connected with new and old friends during the social events.…
In CASE You Missed It June/July 2022
Happy summer! With the school year winding down, CASE is starting to gear up for the 2022 California Science Education Conference. We also have lots of other happenings as well, so take a look at what you missed!