Region 4 Update: Spring 2024
It is so exciting to see teachers out of their classrooms for professional learning experiences! In Southern CA we have had the amazing opportunity to bring teachers together for science professional learning related to climate change topics.
Using High Interest Books to Teach Environmental Science Concepts
At a recent meeting of CASE’s Environmental Literacy Committee, we were discussing the power of using engaging reading books as a way to introduce, explore, and teach environmental literacy. We discussed several books that we have successfully used…
Something That a Scientist Does
I was a science teacher for thirty-four years. On the first day of school every year, I began every class by asking my students to draw a picture of a scientist doing “something that a scientist does.”
Bring Wildlife Conservation to Your Classroom
We hope everyone who had the chance to attend our session “White Rhino Reproduction - Hormones, Sex, and Conservation” had a great time! It is always amazing to engage educators from all over the state at the annual California Science Education…
AR/VR Inspires Career Paths for Middle and High School Students
Most students have limited ideas about the careers they will be able to pursue upon graduation. In Stanislaus County, California, the local board of education wanted to build a cost-effective, physical location where middle and high school students…
Asset-Based Feedback: An Equity-Oriented Approach to Responding to Student Work
Are you wondering how to make feedback motivational for students and less exhausting for teachers? We know that feedback is one of the most effective strategies teachers use for improving student learning. But giving individual feedback for every…
Sweet Science: Exploring Complex Mixtures with Biotechnology
Our CASE 2023 workshop focused on the analysis of food dyes using paper chromatography and agarose gel electrophoresis (slides and full video tutorial available). In this article, we expand on the chromatography component and provide additional…
Region 4 Update: Winter 2023
Southern California science educators have been busy this fall, bringing exciting experiences to students in the region. Inyo County Office of Education (ICOE) just finished hosting their county Science Campers at the Bernasconi Education Center and…
Celebrating Achievements and Successes at the California Science Education Conference
Give yourself a high-five, pat yourself on the back, smile that awesome smile, you’ve made it to December! The first half of this school year has flown by, with some bumps, and some celebrations. One big celebration for science educators was our…
Get Excited for the Poolside Engineering Challenge
Where do you want to be on October 20? Working on your engineering education skills of course! Trying to apply Archimedes Principle and your best thinking about structure and function.