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California Skies August - October 2021 (and beyond)

California Skies August - October 2021 (and beyond)

When organizing a first sky watching session for students, we suggest that you begin your outdoor session during evening twilight, so students can experience the joy of discovering and identifying the brighter stars as they first appear. Begin your…
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Meet your Region 4 Director (Aug/Sep 2021 Update)

Meet your Region 4 Director (Aug/Sep 2021 Update)

Hello Southern California! My name is Crystal Howe and I am super excited to support CASE in our counties. I grew up in Orange County (Go SC Tritons!) and went to college in San Diego (Go UCSD Tritons!). I am one of those people who accidentally…
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Region 1 Update (Aug/Sep 2021)

Region 1 Update (Aug/Sep 2021)

As a former classroom teacher, August and September always sparked excitement for me as the anticipation of starting school built. But this year seemed different. This year, like much of the last 17+ months, appears to continue to lack the sense of…
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Equity in the Classroom

Equity in the Classroom

Equity, particularly equity in education, is being discussed today with a new intensity. The increasing income gap, the simultaneous erosion of social safety nets and civil liberties, and the disparities in the treatment of people based on race and…
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Resilience In Early Second Career Stem Teachers Employed In Public Secondary Schools

Resilience In Early Second Career Stem Teachers Employed In Public Secondary Schools

My name is Don Selway, and I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University. I am conducting a study on resilience of early career STEM teachers. If you are 19 years of age or older and are currently…
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In CASE You Missed It Aug/Sep 2021

In CASE You Missed It Aug/Sep 2021

It’s hard to believe it’s already August! A new school year will soon be upon us (and for some, it may even be here already). Where did the summer go? If you’ve been busy this summer, we’ll fill you in on what you may have missed.
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ChemVLab+: Helping students think like chemists

ChemVLab+: Helping students think like chemists

Did you attend high school when chemistry instruction focused on isolated facts and procedures without any real-world context? This traditional form of instruction left students without the tools to think conceptually like a chemist. However, in…
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Bridging the gap between social-emotional learning and equity through culturally responsive science classrooms

Bridging the gap between social-emotional learning and equity through culturally responsive science classrooms

Unprecedented, unique, challenging; these are just a few of the words that science educators across California used to describe the 2020/21 school year. Many science educators across the state had to contend with new distance learning practices and,…
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Enhancing STEM Education & NGSS Implementation

Enhancing STEM Education & NGSS Implementation

Over the past 30 years, there has been a decline in the number of U.S. college graduates seeking careers in science and engineering. Teaching Opportunities for Partners in Science (TOPS) of Santa Clara Valley is a volunteer program affiliated with…
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Find Your Community

Find Your Community

Do you have a community? I mean a science education community. A group of people who are positive about teaching kids, who share ideas and inspiration, people who give energy to your teaching?
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