CSTA Classroom Science

Resilience In Early Second Career Stem Teachers Employed In Public Secondary Schools

Submitted by Don Selway

Dear STEM Educator, 

My name is Don Selway, and I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Graduate School of Education and Psychology at Pepperdine University.

I am conducting a study on resilience of early career STEM teachers. If you are 19 years of age or older and are currently teaching or looking for a job teaching grades 6-12 in a STEM related field and are in the first five years of your teaching career, you are invited to participate in the study. If you agree, you are first invited to participate by taking an online survey.

The online survey is anticipated to take 20 minutes to complete. Participation in this study is voluntary. Your identity as a participant will remain anonymous if you do not wish to be part of the drawing to win a $100 amazon gift card and/or be willing to participate in a follow up interview. Your identity as a participant will remain confidential if you participate in the drawing to win a $100 amazon gift card or volunteer to be interviewed. Those who volunteer to be interviewed and subsequently selected will receive a $25 amazon gift card. Only eight participants will be selected to participate in the interview portion of this study. 

If you are willing to participate, please complete the online survey.

If you have questions, please contact me at donald.selway@pepperdine.edu or call me at 619-432-5742.
Thank you for your participation, 
Don Selway 
Pepperdine University 
Graduate School of Education and Psychology 
Doctoral Student
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