Meet your Region 4 Director (Aug/Sep 2021 Update)
By Crystal Howe, CASE Region 4 Director
Hello Southern California!

My name is Crystal Howe and I am super excited to support CASE in our counties. I grew up in Orange County (Go SC Tritons!) and went to college in San Diego (Go UCSD Tritons!). I am one of those people who accidentally became a teacher, but I immediately had a passion for science education. I spent the beginning of my career teaching Chemistry, Biology, and Earth Science in San Diego high schools. I discovered that I love integrating disciplines and providing students the opportunities to feel like the brightest bulb in the box! When NGSS came onto the stage, it felt so amazing to have standards that supported the ways that I wanted to see students learn.
I spent a few years as a district TK-12 Science TOSA before moving to the San Diego County Office of Education in 2018. I am currently an Environmental Literacy Coordinator. That means I get to spend my time helping educators see the connection between science and the environment, supporting teachers to take students outside for learning, and connecting teachers and science experts around local environmental phenomena. My favorite part of my work is taking teachers on field trips to local parks and nature centers! See examples of the environmental phenomena resources that teachers and scientists have developed at the SDCOE Science Resource Center [1]. This year I am collaborating on a grant with Imperial County, Orange County, and the CA Science Project to facilitate virtual NGSS and Environmental Literacy professional learning for teachers across Southern California. If you’re interested in participating, more details can be found here [2].
I have two daughters in elementary school and we love to get outside together. They are growing up as true SoCal kids with lots of beach days, hikes, and camping. To relax, I bake bread, make fancy sugar cookies and cakes, and crochet.
I am looking forward to working with you all this year! Reach out to share the events and celebrations of NGSS in your county. @twnklstrr #cascience
