In CASE You Missed It (Oct/Nov 2021)
What a BUSY month it’s been for CASE! Time is flying by quickly, so we’ll fill you in with what you may have missed these past few months.
California Science Education Experience
Recently, we kicked off the month-long California Science Education Experience. On October 1, our kickoff keynote Stuart Sumida gave an amazing presentation about his work in the animation industry blending together science and art! This was followed by our two focus speaker sessions held on Wednesdays.
Our virtual conference took place from October 8-10 and we had another successful year! Friday, October 8 opened with our inspiring keynote Diana Trujillo, followed by our virtual Awards Recognition and Happy Hour! Everyone had so much fun catching up with each other, chatting with the award winners, and showing off their crazy hats.
Saturday and Sunday were filled with hundreds of virtual workshops from our wonderful presenters and partners, as well as CASETalks and lots of time in the virtual marketplace. On Sunday, our awesome closing keynote Dr. Chris Lowe gave a fin-tastic speech on his studies about sharks.
On October 16, the experience continued with an in-person event at the California Scienc Center in Los Angeles.
California Science Education Conference 2022 Announcement
Next year’s conference will take place from October 14-16 in sunny Palm Springs. And best of all, it will be IN PERSON! We’re so excited to see you face-to-face once again! More details coming soon.