Region 4 Update: Spring 2023
By Crystal Starr-Howe, CASE Region 4 Director
The CA NGSS have an important birthday this year! 10 years ago, the State Board of Education adopted the CA NGSS as our science standards. With this exciting birthday, we want to celebrate the amazing work that is happening in Southern California to bring CA NGSS into classrooms.
Districts across the region are using the highly recommended Toolkit for Instructional Materials Evaluation (TIME) process to to support their adoption processes. As districts bring materials to their teachers, they are finding a need for ongoing professional learning to support implementation and opportunities for teachers to work in professional learning communities to troubleshoot challenges they encounter. It is so exciting to see elementary, middle, and high school educators shifting their instruction to focus on the wonder of science and explanations of the world. For more information or support on the TIME process, contact your local County Office of Education or Professional Learning Partner. The TIME materials are available for free from the CA County Superintendents here.

Southern California Association of Science Specialists!
SCASS is another opportunity to network with your fellow science leaders in Southern California. This year’s focus is Changing Mindsets Towards Equitable Practices. See the SCASS site for meeting dates and registration links.
Southern California CA Science Projects have online and in person Professional Learning Opportunities!
See each project for up to date offerings: