CSTA Classroom Science

WestEd Early Science Supplementary Program Opportunity

Attention all first-grade teachers!

Are you looking for ways to bring science back into your classroom this school year? Check out this spring 2021 opportunity to test out a new supplemental science program developed by Twin Cities Public Television (TPT). The science program consists of a series of NGSS-aligned digital games, experimental activities, eBooks, digital science notebooks, and educational TV show episodes all packaged together, by topic, into cohesive units called Playlists. These trans-media digital activities can be used whether teachers are meeting with students in-person, through distance learning, or using a hybrid model. Your class can be part of a study that examines how this particular trans-media tool integrates science and literacy to ignite children's natural curiosity and broaden their understanding of how the world works. This is a very unique opportunity to try out these innovative early science educational materials aimed at closing the achievement gap for low income and minority students. 

If you are interested in hearing more about this science program and what participation would entail, click this link to schedule a chat with an outreach and information team. 

Download the informational flyer for more details.




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