Next Generations Science Standards
The Williams Act and You - A Love Story
Wherein science teacher meets legal requirement for student instructional materials, the teacher is baffled and bewildered by the legal requirement for student instructional materials, teacher and legal requirement for student instructional materials…
Science Instructional Materials: What to Do Between Now and January 2019
The time is finally here, that moment you have all been waiting for: the State of California is moving forward with the K-8 science instructional materials adoption process
New School Year, New Science Opportunities
As teachers, we often finish the year saying, “Why didn’t I…?,” or “I wish I would have.” Then we begin the school year with “This year I am going to….” Well, here is my “I am going to…!”I am going to teach more science than I did last year!
High School NGSS- “Where’s My Curriculum?”
At long last, Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) curriculum is finally here! The state has approved 29 instructional materials for use in K-8. The list can be found here. But wait a minute, those are all K-8, what about high school?