CSTA Classroom Science

CASE Announces New Executive Director, Michele Holcomb

The CASE Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Michele Holcomb has been named Executive Director for the Association. Michele is no stranger to the CASE community as she has served as your Deputy Executive Director for the past two years and is excited to move into this new role. 

CASE will benefit from Holcomb’s 20+ years in the non-profit sector, working at the local and state level, in addition to her 12 years of experience in the association industry. Having a long history and broad set of experiences with associations and child development, Michele brings a wealth of insight, creativity, and experience to CASE. She served as the director of membership and marketing for the California Association for the Education of Young Children (CAAEYC), which included communication programming, conference and event coordination, and management of staff. 

In the coming months, as Holcomb jumps feet first into the position, she will continue working with the board leaders, staff and connect with additional stakeholders to gain perspective and understanding on statewide programs, services and policy work around the state.

Michele, along with the Board of Directors, will continue to provide advocacy efforts and strengthen organizational efficiencies to make CASE an even more well-rounded and viable organization.

Camron King, former CASE Executive Director, is moving into a new role as President of Association Resource Center (ARC), the association management company that CASE contracts with. As such, he will continue to work to support CASE.

Please feel free to connect with Michele via email at michele@cascience.org



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