Who's in Your Circle?
By Debbie Gordon, CASE President

Recently while reviewing award nominations for our 2023 California Science Education Conference (October 20-22 in Palm Springs), I began reflecting on some of our past recipients. Claudia Razo, an elementary teacher in Palm Springs Unified School District was awarded the Elementary Science Teacher Award in 2022. As such, she was interviewed for the local newspaper, recognized by her district, and even appeared on the local tv news. She commented that it was the most attention she had ever received! That started me thinking about all the teachers and educators out there who work tirelessly but receive little or no recognition for what they do. Well, I’m here to tell you that you are seen! You are valued. And we are so happy you are part of the CASE family.
The mission statement for CASE reads as follows:
CASE leads the promotion of high-quality equitable science education through advocacy, collaboration, and communication. Recognizing that science has a profound influence on our lives, our local environments, and our world. CASE fosters a community focused on enhancing scientific and environmental literacy and agency for all.
I highlight the words “fosters a community” intentionally. It is my personal mission to continue to foster our community of members and to raise our collective voices until all students in California have access to equitable, quality science education in our classrooms and our communities.
To this goal, I have a challenge for you, current members. In order for CASE to continue to advocate for and support science education and educators (formal and informal), we need you. And we need more people just like you! Here’s the challenge. Look around you. Who do you see in your circle? Expand your circle. Now who do you see? Does the Kindergarten teacher down the hall teach her students about pushes and pulls? Does your best friend lead hikes for students in the nearby nature preserve? Is your son or daughter preparing to be a high school biology teacher? Are they CASE members? I challenge every member to recruit 5 people to join CASE today. For as little as $10 a year (for preservice teachers), membership allows CASE to continue to advocate for science and influence state education policy. Members can attend professional learning experiences, access teaching tools and resources, go on hikes and outings, chat and ask questions in our CASE Facebook groups and social media outlets, and gather at the annual conference. Do you know 5 people that need to be CASE members? I think you do!
Thank you for choosing me to lead this organization for the next two years. I look forward to working alongside Peter A’Hearn, past-president, Melissa Marcucci, president-elect, and the entire board of directors to find out what you need and make it happen.
I hope to see you all in Palm Springs at the 2023 California Science Education Conference. I am especially excited to hear from our keynote speaker, Dr. Tyrone B. Hayes. Haven’t registered yet? I encourage you to do so today. In the meantime, please enjoy this issue of California Classroom Science. We hope you find something that speaks to you. Have a great year friends. Talk to you soon.
Yours Respectfully,
Debbie Gordon