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President's Message

I Know What You Did Last Summer

I Know What You Did Last Summer

How is it possible that the new school year is already upon us? Did summer actually happen this year? How can it possibly be over already? July is probably the one month as an educator that, unless you teach over the summer, can actually be filled…
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Informally Yours

Informally Yours

Congratulations!! You made it to summer vacation…one more deserved and needed than any other. The last few months have been challenging to say the least. When I was first given the go ahead to work from home, I was ecstatic. I won’t lie and say there…
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Ready or Not: Coping with Working from Home

Ready or Not: Coping with Working from Home

I have spent the first three weeks of March vetting resources, creating plans, and learning how to use a variety of distance learning tools to prepare for supporting hundreds of teachers in my district while we are facing the challenges of remote…
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Eavesdropping on Conversations: the Bright Side to Instructional Materials Review

Eavesdropping on Conversations: the Bright Side to Instructional Materials Review

Over the last six months, I have had the privilege of spearheading the K-12 science adoption in my district. For many people in charge of this process, the word privilege might seem a little too rose-colored glasses; however, the process has been…
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Just a Teacher

Just a Teacher

“I am just a teacher, there is only so much I can do.” How many times have you heard a colleague say this? Have you said it yourself? For me, the phrase became “I am just a Teacher Specialist.” It wasn’t until I had an opportunity to hear Dr. Stephen…
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