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President's Message

Just a Teacher

Just a Teacher

“I am just a teacher, there is only so much I can do.” How many times have you heard a colleague say this? Have you said it yourself? For me, the phrase became “I am just a Teacher Specialist.” It wasn’t until I had an opportunity to hear Dr. Stephen…
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Let the Quarter of Transitions Begin

Let the Quarter of Transitions Begin

Every year, July is the beginning of a transition period within CSTA. This year, the transition is a bit more personal for me. Not only has our organization started searching for a new Executive Director, but on July 1st, I dropped the “elect” from…
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Strong Leadership Is Collaboration

This is no ordinary President’s message. This June/July issue is special because it marks a clear line in the sand at CSTA – we shift the Presidency. On June 30, 2019, Jill’s presidency ends and on July 1, 2019, Shawna’s begins. In a figurative and…
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All Means ALL

My colleagues and I have been working with a lot of teachers who are in the early stages of NGSS implementation. Once instruction begins to shift, there are some fascinating student reactions. Students typically become highly engaged very quickly and…
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Re-Novicing of Science Teachers and the Science Coach

Over the past several months I’ve presented on and heard from others on how the implementation of the NGSS is going both within California and nationally. In the process, I’ve taken away some learnings that I thought I’d share.
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