California Skies: February and March 2021
Evening (see evening twilight charts for February and March 2021, above):
Follow the Moon nightly at dusk, from a thin crescent low in WSW on February 12, to Full, low, north of east, two weeks later on February 26. Moving an average of 13° per day…
California Skies, December 2020 through March 2021 (and beyond)
These monthly evening and morning twilight star maps, the December 2020 Sky Calendar and evening sky map, and summaries of sky events for December 2020 through March 2021 are intended to help teachers guide students to follow the seasonal westward…
California Skies, October through January 2021 (and beyond)
These star maps, Sky Calendars, and monthly summaries of sky events for October 2020 through January 2021 are intended to help teachers guide students to embark on following the seasonal progression of the stars; to notice changes in the arrangements…
California Skies, August through October 2020
These star maps, Sky Calendar, and detailed monthly summaries of sky events for August through October are intended to help teachers guide their students to a memorable start in naked-eye astronomy. Jupiter and Saturn appear near each other in the…
Follow the planets, April through July 2020
In the evening sky, Venus shines at peak brilliance in April, while setting in a dark sky more than three hours after sunset. In May, Venus drops dramatically, disappearing into bright twilight before month’s end. On its way down, Venus on May 21 has…