Peaks and Valleys: A landscape study of environmental literacy implementation in and out of California’s TK-12 classrooms
The report, Peaks and Valleys: A landscape study of environmental literacy implementation in and out of California’s TK-12 classrooms, provides a baseline for the state’s educators and policymakers, who have identified environmental literacy as a key…
DEI Summer Assignment: Reflecting on Our Practices
The end of the school year is always a bittersweet transition. We are simultaneously thinking of the next school year as the eternal New Year’s Day of the future while reminiscing about the children who are walking out our doors, potentially for the…
5 Criteria for Selecting Great Teaching Phenomena
Phenomenon-based learning is a central component of the Next Generation Science Standards, and it’s a great practice: when we use real-world experiences and questions to introduce a science topic, students engage much more deeply.