CSTA Classroom Science

Reflections and Fresh Horizons

By Debbie Gordon, CASE President

Welcome to our latest issue of California Classroom Science (CCS). I hope you are reading    this with relaxed eyes and a happy heart as we enter summer. I like all things summer. The beach, the lake, even the desert (it’s hot!) bring me peace, time to read, time with family, time to myself.  

Often,we take the summer to reflect on the past school year. What went well and maybe what challenges we faced. What will we do differently next year? How best to build relationships with students to foster a safe, inclusive environment where all students can grow and learn?  

I wonder, do you also stop and reflect on your own needs? Do you feel joy? Do you have people around you to support you and lift you up? I hope so. 

Image provided by author

Image provided by author

Being a member of CASE is a great way to build relationships with people who can empathize with your needs, advocate for change, stretch your knowledge, and renew your spirits. If you have time this summer, after reading this issue of CCS, take a moment to look through the CASE website. You do not need to be a member to access information about this year’s Science Education Conference in Sacramento, to find teacher resources, NGSS resources, upcoming webinars and events, CASE policy statements and so much more.  

If you are a member, be sure to go to the members-only portal to view your member benefits, peruse the CASE goods store, check out upcoming webinars, and other member opportunities. And if you’re ready to take that next step, join a CASE committee or share your knowledge and expertise in an issue of CCS. 

We want to get to know you, too.  Drop an email to me or leave a comment. Let us know how you are, what great things have you been doing or what you need from your association. 

This is also the time of year when we welcome new members to the Board of Directors.  Please help me in welcoming to the board Crystal Starr-Howe (Treasurer), Heather Wygant (Region 2 Director), Amanda Chiatovich-Cloutier (Region 4 Director), Claudio Vargas (Upper Elementary Director), Tara Sikorski (High School Director) and Megan Bettis (4 year College Director).  

Thank you for your dedication to the California science community.  Thank you also to all the outgoing and returning board members. It takes a team and we have a great one! 
Lastly, this has been a rather challenging year for me, but I leave this year knowing my heart is with the students and I do the best I can for them each and every day.  We shall see what next year brings. I know one thing for sure, it will be my second and final year as president of CASE. I am looking forward to all there is to do.

Please enjoy this issue. Enjoy your summer break, if you get one. And to borrow a phrase from social media, be kind to each other.

Best Always,
Debbie Gordon

(home page thumbail image: Photo by Mark McGregor on Unsplash)



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