CSTA Classroom Science

Region 4 Update

 By Debbie Gordon, Region 4 Director

Here we are already at the end of 2019!  It has been a busy year and I have been happy to see more and more teachers embrace the shifts of the NGSS, teaching more science in their classrooms, and continuing to pressure their administrations to support quality science for ALL students.  

Wearing NGSS colors: CSTA Board Members,
Alyssa Nemecekova-Fairfield, Michelle Baker,
Debbie Gordon at the CSTA booth in San Jose

I wear many hats these days, but all in the name of supporting this movement and supporting science teaching in Region 4. Some of my recent items include being on the 2019 California Science Education Conference Committee and meeting many new teachers at the CSTA Booth during the conference in San Jose, Oct. 18-20, 2019.  It is always refreshing to see teachers learning from each other, making new friends, and getting energized to return to their students with new ideas and lessons. I am already looking forward to next year’s conference in Palm Springs on Oct.16-18, 2020.  We have begun planning, so be on the lookout for exciting changes, fun times, and of course awesome sessions and speakers!

I also attended the California Partnership for Math and Science Education (CAPMSE) on Nov. 13-14, 2019 in Sacramento with science county office leaders, TOSAs, administrators, teachers, and other science leaders from across the state to collaborate on topics ranging from environmental literacy to sustaining and building capacity in our own regions.  It was an informative 2 days and I am looking forward to talking more about these topics with the CSTA Board to make sure you, as members, benefit from all the great stuff going on statewide.

So, as you head into the holiday season and make your resolutions for 2020, I hope you feel fulfilled by what you have accomplished so far this school year, and renewed and energized for what’s to come.  And, here is one thing you can put on your calendar: The SCASS Conference in the Inland Empire on Feb. 19, 2020, featuring keynote speaker, Dr. Susan Gomez-Zwiep. Happy New Year!



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Debbie Gordon

Written by Debbie Gordon

Debbie Gordon is CASE's Region 4 Director and Project Director for CA NGSS K-8 Early Implementation Initiative in Palm Springs.