Region 4 Update October/November 2020
Debbie Gordon, Region 4 Director
Hello there, California science educators. I hope that you are feeling better in your roles and adjusting to the current normal. I also hope you are safe and staying well. One of the benefits of the new norms is that what happens in Region 4, or anywhere else, is no longer restricted by location, time away from the classroom, or what clothes to wear! I know that I have spent a great deal of time watching webinars, participating in conversations, and delving deep into access and equity with leaders like you during the last few months. And, really it has been great to see so many faces on my computer screen. I do, though, like everyone else, eagerly look forward to some in person time, whenever that happens.
Until then, I think it is time for us to reconnect in a familiar, albeit different, annual celebration of science education at the 2020 Virtual California Science Education Conference. Don’t you want to see old friends, make new connections, and recharge? This year we were supposed to be in my town Palm Springs. I’m sorry you won’t be here with me, but we do have an awesome virtual conference planned for you. Please join us October 16-18 for live workshops, keynote and focus speakers, an exhibitor trade show, happy hour, and more.
Register today at
See you soon!