CSTA Classroom Science

The California Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Partnership: Science Leadership & Improvement

By Dr. Shari Dickstein-Staub and Megan Smith, CAL MSCS

Every student in California accessing engaging, inquiry-based, student-centered science instruction and learning - that is the northstar for the statewide Science Steering Team, a layer of leadership within the vast network of the California Mathematics, Science, and Computer Science Partnership (CAL-MSCS). 


For decades, California’s science education leaders have been advocating for state funding and support for high-quality science professional learning and educational experiences. Recatalyzed post-COVID by their joint publication of a Blueprint for Action for Equitable K-12 Science Education in California, these leaders, including the California Association of Science Educators (CASE), worked with math colleagues to advocate for funding for professional learning. CASE led the effort for the science community in lobbying for AB 2565. Thank you to all of the CASE members who joined in the effort! Our advocacy eventually led to funding in  Assembly Bill 185, which provided $50 million to improve Math, Science, and Computer Science (MSCS) outcomes through professional learning. The investment seeded CAL-MSCS, a comprehensive, multi-agency system designed to provide a sustainable, impactful professional learning infrastructure for MSCS educators across the state by expanding capacity; creating and disseminating professional learning opportunities; supporting local efforts to improve family and community engagement; and working to cohere and align related initiatives. 

A diverse team of educators, informal organizations, professional learning providers, and advocates lead the science-related improvement efforts of CAL-MSCS. Through a series of opportunities and projects, the Statewide Science Steering Team works to meet the science professional learning needs and priorities in each of the state’s 58 county offices of education (COEs) and generate a strong and supportive community of belonging in science education statewide. The team’s robust scope and sequence for 2024/2025 focuses on system improvement for administrators at COE, district, and school levels; professional learning for science teacher leaders and classroom teachers to build science agency and efficacy; and opportunities for community partners, families, and educators to learn how to use science to connect and collaborate in service to improved student outcomes.  

The CAL-MSCS vision is to ensure that each and every California educator experiences the professional learning and support they need to provide a high-quality mathematics, science, and computer science education for each and every student. By providing engaging, responsive, dynamic, and inclusive support, the Statewide Science Steering Team aims to strengthen statewide capacity for equity centered science professional learning experiences and systems.

Please follow along on social media- Facebook (California Mathematics, Science, Computer Science Partnership) or Instagram (CALMSCS) for future professional learning opportunities or checkout updates on our website: www.calmscs.org

Dr. Shari Dickstein-Staub
Email: sstaub@sjcoe.net 
Educational Consultant, San Joaquin County Office of Education
CAL-MSCS Multi-Disciplinary Coordinator and Science Co-Chair

Megan Smith
Email: msmith@sjcoe.net
STEM Coordinator, San Joaquin County Office of Education
CAL-MSCS Grant Coordinator and Science Co-Chair




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