President's Message
Celebrating Achievements and Successes at the California Science Education Conference
Give yourself a high-five, pat yourself on the back, smile that awesome smile, you’ve made it to December! The first half of this school year has flown by, with some bumps, and some celebrations. One big celebration for science educators was our…
The Importance of Community
[Originally published October 3, 2019]
Recently, I signed up for a two-day introductory training focused on Restorative Practices. I have had previous experiences with restorative circles and, as a result, I can honestly say a part of me was dreading…
Who's in Your Circle?
Look around you. Who do you see in your circle? Expand your circle. Now who do you see? Does the Kindergarten teacher down the hall teach her students about pushes and pulls? Does your best friend lead hikes for students in the nearby nature…
Finding Your Community
Two years ago, when I became CASE President, we were still in the midst of the COVID pandemic and I was missing the sense of community that science teachers get from being connected to other science teachers.
Why We Teach Science
It’s Springtime, and the school year is getting to feel a bit long in the tooth. Testing might be zapping the life out of the year, and students and teachers are starting to count days. It’s been a very rough few year(s), and summer is calling…