President's Message
I was recently having a conversation with a friend who is about to start a new job. A big job for a big company where she will now be a team lead. Working for her will be a number of really young, super-talented engineers. You know who I’m talking…
It’s been a difficult few weeks as we watch and hear the news of yet another school shooting. This tragedy has had a profound impact on myself and many of my teacher colleagues. So much so, that I feel I’d be remiss not to take this moment to…
Find Your Reason to Engage
I was recently reflecting on events in the news and remembered that several years ago, National Public Radio had a story about a man named Stéphane Hessel, a World War II French resistance fighter, Nazi concentration camp survivor, and contributor to…
Keeping the Inspiration Flowing
As I walk the floor of the conference, eyes still a bit blurry from lack of sleep and head fuzzy from reviewing speeches and message triangles, I pause. Looking around, I am aware of a sea of smiles, laughter, and very animated story-telling.…
A Little Humor with the Periodic Table for the Holidays!
Many of you who teach the “Periodic Table” may have discovered that it can be very difficult to engage your younger students in understanding this rather intimidating chart. Especially for those 3rd and 5th-grade teachers where some sort of periodic…