Region 4 Update: Summer 2023
By Crystal Starr Howe, Region 4 Director
It is with mixed emotions that California educators say good-bye to Maggie Riley as she retires from Inyo County Office of Education this June. We are excited for her to begin her next adventure and know that she will be greatly missed.

Maggie joined Inyo COE with a wealth of experience and enthusiasm for leading education in the outdoors. During her time she led the expansion of the 3rd grade Taking Root program to all schools in Inyo county, she created the 5th grade Branching Out program, adapted programs to provide outdoor experiences during the pandemic, presented professional learning for educators around the world, and initiated several shifts for delivering instruction that keeps learning more student centered with integration of 21st century learning goals. Maggie's dedication to these programs will continue to extend into her retirement as she meets new people on the trails and encourages them to visit ICOE to volunteer for these programs. Maggie was famous for recruiting instructors almost everywhere she went - showing a deep passion for the work she was able to lead at ICOE. Please join us in wishing her well in retirement!
On Friday, April 21, 2023 over 1200 students representing Eisenhower, Rialto, and Milor High Schools participated in the Third Annual Youth Climate Action Summit. Seventeen industry partners presented topics ranging from Southern California Air Quality to the basics of Community Organizing to various classrooms.

Representatives from Eloise Gomez Reyes, Senator Ochoa-Bogh, Supervisor Joe Baca Jr., City Councilman Joe Baca Sr., Former Mayor John Longville, and Former Senator Connie Leyva, Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice Executive Director Ana Gonzalez, were present at the event. Topics discussed included how to work with elected officials to develop climate resiliency strategies and prioritize policy around environmental sustainability.
The final event of the summit was a festival celebrating the Earth with live music, a student led fashion show, poetry recited by students, free food, and community run informational exhibits.
Southern California Association of Science Specialists!
SCASS is another opportunity to network with your fellow science leaders in Southern California. This year’s focus is Changing Mindsets Towards Equitable Practices. See the SCASS site for meeting dates and registration links.
Southern California CA Science Projects have online and in person Professional Learning Opportunities!
See each project for up to date offerings:
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