CSTA Classroom Science

Employing Participatory Action Research to Explore How to Achieve Equitable STEM Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood Education

You are invited to participate in this study if you are an Early Childhood Education (ECE) Teacher in STEM. We hope that our research will lead to considerable contributions to further investigate ECE STEM education, including insight into areas of curriculum and pedagogy we should consider addressing. The purpose of this study is two-fold, (1) to explore how to achieve equitable STEM teaching and learning in ECE and (2) to examine ECE teachers’ sense of self-efficacy and dispositions toward STEM.

For more information download the PDF flyer
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at klyhoan@calstatela.edu. You may also contact my advisor, Dr. Sharon Ulanoff at sulanof@calstatela.edu. 
Thanks in advance for your support. 
Kheng Ly-Hoang 
Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership 
Applied and Advanced Studies in Education 
Charter College of Education 
California State University, Los Angeles 
5151 State University Drive 
Los Angeles, CA 90032



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